Industry Partnerships
MicroBlasting 101 in Design for Advanced Manufacturing
New Resource!
Two members of our Comco team, Dr. Jason McNary and Colin Weightman, contributed chapter 3.42 “Micro Blasting” in Design for Advanced Manufacturing: Technologies and Processes, edited by LaRoux Gillespie and published by McGraw-Hill Education this year.
McNary and Weightman detail the basic tenants of the micro-abrasive blasting process. They also cover how it is used across industries, the latest technology available, and case studies for specific applications. This entire resource offers practical instructions, helpful guides, and charts for quick reference.
About the Book
Edited by LaRoux Gillespie, President Emeritus of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Design for Advanced Manufacturing features contributions from a host of international manufacturing and design experts. It provides thorough explanations of the entire range of advanced manufacturing processes and technologies as well as practical instructions and technical guidance.
Other chapters cover:
- Manufacturing with lasers
- Conventional laser processes
- Cleaning, forming and texturing parts via lasers
- 3-D printing
- Nanotechnology
- CAD/CAM software tools
- Additive processes
- Conventional and micro-level additive manufacturing
- Micro parts and microfabrication
- Advanced technologies for machining and welding at microscopic levels
- Design issues
- Production rates
- Process comparisons
- Coverage of new materials including nano, smart, and shape-memory alloys, in steels, glass, plastics, and composites
Supplemental content includes tolerance charts, graphs, curriculum guides, certification practice, and videos.
Where to Purchase?
Design for Advanced Manufacturing: Technologies and Process is available for purchase from McGraw-Hill and from most major booksellers. It makes an excellent resource for your production and lab library.
Details & Specs
Format: Hardcover
Dimensions: 9.5 x 7.3 x 1.5 in
Published: February 24, 2017
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
Language: English
The following ISBNs are associated with this title:
ISBN – 10:1259587452
ISBN – 13:9781259587450
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